Hurricane Instructions

Email is the preferred mode of contact as I can respond to you from anywhere.

Due to the potential impact of Hurricanes and Tropical Storms to our area the Office may be closed for a few days. If the office closes and it affects any scheduled appoints during that time, those appointments will be rescheduled to the first Tuesday of the following week, or later in the Month if you have enough time remaining in your case, if time is running out in your case a Violation affidavit will be filed to lock your time and a court date set for a later date.  If your Appointment is affected by a storm it is up to you to follow up and obtain your new appointment date. Failure to follow up as instructed could result in a violation.  If a storm is projected to hit this are you are to take the same actions as any other individual and take care of your family, Property, and then probation. If you must evacuate the area you do not have to call for permission first. but you must leave a detailed email or voice mail with “Name, Cell Phone number, address and location where you are staying, and that you understand what to do.” You are to report back by email or phone every two days to leave an update until cleared to return home. One you have returned home follow the instructions above on when to report. If you’re on a GPS notify the GPS provider also.